“Fighting Monsters is a Book that Takes whatever Monsters and Demons
What can fighting monsters will help you with?
Simply Put:
Overcoming Hurdles!
What Monster is stopping you from getting what you want?
Fighting Monsters sounds daunting, but please remember, as we take this amazing journey together, the path I am about to lead you down ends with a healthier, happier, fitter you. Also know that it is going to be exhilarating, painful, rewarding, frustrating, awful and fantastic. You might be thinking, “I do not want to fight monsters. Isn’t there an easier path?” The answer is yes, there are many easier paths we could take, but I can tell you from experience, any other path will not be as rewarding; it will not be as fun, and worse than that, it will lead you to the exact same place⎯where you are right now.
You should know…
You might also be thinking, “Fighting Monsters? Is this guy serious?” Obviously fighting monsters is an analogy, because as you have been told from a very young age, there is no such thing as monsters. However, you were afraid of them, and that fear was very real, not to mention some of the actions you took to avoid them. So, if the concept of fighting monsters seems silly to you, think of monsters as anything and everything that stands in the way of you achieving your life goals, as well as your fitness and weight loss goals. And if, by some freak occurrence, we discover any real monsters along the way, we will mess them up, too.
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Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
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